Min Min: yeah. tf do you want me to say lmao

Steve: lol. idk I've been out of my Minecraft phase for years now so this didn't hit very hard. Was really funny though

Sephiroth: Didn't really care, I have no connection to FF and haven't been able to get into it every time I've tried

Pyra: My beloved, best addition of the whole pass for me by a landslide, mained her within a week, 11/10

Kazuya: I'mma be real I very frequently forget you're even in the game

Sora: Awesome reveal, but unfortunately, he followed in Banjo's "most wanted character" footsteps, and they went and made his playstyle boring as shit. At least he's actually fun to watch, unlike Banjo. Seeing half of Twitter cry tears of joy while the other half had a Hero-tier nuclear meltdown (not quite Byleth level, where they continued to bitch for two years and counting, but they were still extremely loud and being huge party poopers, making them super fun to make fun of) was the best possible ending for SSBU

Overall, 6/10. I vastly prefer FP1 overall, and me having the absolute gall to say such a heinous thing would get my throat ripped out in Twitter, so I'm saying it here instead, where nobody cares. Still wish Cinderace made it in here, having another Byleth-tier meltdown would be so fucking funny

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2021
