I have heard many good things about this game and was pretty excited to jump into it.
This game has a fantastic story i would even go as far as saying maybe the best one in any game i have played but it is held back by a very lacking and barebones combat system. This might be a rare viewpoint i actually did not mind replaying the endings as odd as that sounds, because the game actually gave you a good reason why you had to for most of them and by that point i was pretty invested so i did not mind all too much.
Most of the areas are pretty okay i don't think i was mindblown by a certain area but they do their job but the cast were nothing short of perfect, really really loved them all there's usually a weak link in most games but not this one probably due to them being just 3 but still no complaints, they're one of the reasons i pushed on and the fantastic and beautiful soundtrack helped a lot as well.
So in summary i liked the game as a story more than a game as if i was reading a book if that makes sense

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024

1 Comment

29 days ago

Makes sense, that's usually what people think abt it from what I've seen.