A really poorly made game, people just kept talking about fortnite in the chat. Only redeeming factor is the fact you can take a crap in front of people. I do not recommend playing this godforsaken game. The dinosaurs are very buggy not to mention they are way to over levelled an sometimes even spawn camp you right when you spawn so it's simply impossible to play. My mouse also broke halfway playing this game and it made me upset, I don't know if it's because of the game, or the mouse but imma blame the game for it. The other review also mentioned how you can use guns, i dont know where the hell he got the guns but i dont believe him since the most i could get was a pickaxe that i didn't even get myself. I swear to god that the poeple making this game was on drugs

I just wanted to play a fun and exiting co-op game with my brother, but then had to play through the god awful tutorial of certain doom and despair before i could unlock multiplayer. We had to stop playing before we finished the tutorial because my heart couldn't handle the game any longer, i felt like i was about to have a heart attack with how bad this godforsaken game is

Me and my dear brother simply wanted to play a nice fun and enjoyable experience together, so we picked this nice looking game called "Cash Bash" to play. We spent what felt like hours in the connecting to other devices menu, because it takes TWO FUCKING MINUTES TO START A ROUND. AND THEN WHEN YOU THINK YOU'RE ABOUT TO START FUCKING PUFFYCLOUDS JOINS YOU AND RESETS THE TIMER. THEN HE FUCKING LEAVES AGAIN WHEN THE TIMERS SOON AT 0, THEN WHEN IT GETS NEAR 0 AGAIN HE JOINS A SECOND TIMES AND LEAVES, THE FUCKING ASSHOLE WONT LET US PLAY THE FUCKING GAME. To conclude, this is a bad game that is unplayable because you can't start a match. And fuck puffyclouds

When my brother first told me about this game, i thought it was called pogs and i got happy until i realised that it, was not about pogging. Then i thought it might've been frogs, but alas it is not about frogs either. This game is possibly about dogs. Why possibly you say? Because the enter button wont work at the start of the game, so i cant even go in the game. This game has the potential of being the next tony hawks pro skating but we'll never know because you can't join the game. As the famous Issac Newton probably once said "Any game called PHOGS! is likely going to make you meet your fiery demise" meaning that either A) I will burn myself alive, B) this game is a creepy pasta, or C) Issac Newton is a liar. And im betting on option B.


Very bland game. Would only play while you have literally nothing better to do.

Nice little challenge, but not a very good game still

The game was really short and pretty boring cause of how easy it was. I thought the challenges was a nice challenge, an was definitely the best part of the game despite the massive difficulty spike

I think the developers intended to make your ears bleed with that horrendous music