Brilliant Saturn RPG that showed no fear. Its cinematics are about as dated as any 3D story games of the era, but Panzer Dragoon Saga is emotionally convincing enough to hold up. Despite the radical genre change (from rail shooter to role-playing game), Saga doesn't miss out on any of its two predecessor's appeal, adapting them to its world traversal challenges.

Though Saga has random encounters, they're far rarer than in other JRPGs. What's even more important is the battles themselves, where you have the freedom to move fully within a three-dimensional space, rather than being confined within the turn-based system. Real-time elements are included, so for example you can both evade an incoming attack and position yourself to better find an enemy's weak point. It's crazy to think that we didn't get much more action RPGs during this console generation. Even in the previous one we had Terranigma, Tales of Phantasia and Secret of Mana.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2021
