i liked when ariana grande hit me with a hammer. now i need that in real life.

what the fuck does that mean kobe bryant

i played it early thanks to being a warner bros partner and i can confirm there are at least 4 sex scenes with harley quinn and the weasel

this happened to my friend dave

As a long-time Spider-Man fan, this game is almost everything I could have wanted from a current gen Spider-Man game. Seeing all these characters and the little references scattered throughout was just an incredible experience.

This game really does make you feel like Spider-Man. The web-swinging and all the additional tricks that come with it is by far some of the most fun movement I've felt in a video game. The combat, while not always perfect, is still really good and incredibly satisfying. Taking breaks in between main quests to focus on little side missions like stopping robberies or saving some guy's pigeons really makes you feel like a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. (unrelated, but the music in this game is just fantastic)

One of the main highlights of this game has to be the characters. Many of them, especially Peter and MJ, feel like some of the best adaptations these characters have had. Every character was so well written, even the ones that weren't on screen for too long still were really good! They really did pick an incredible cast for the Sinister Six, especially when they included Mr. Negative. I really like how Norman Osborn was given a mayoral role in this game instead of being the mad scientist this time around, which was handed to Otto- a really nice change in my opinion.

I don't have much to say about the story other than it was great! Everything coming together with Peter, MJ, Martin Li, Norman Osborn, and occasionally Miles was such a fun ride.

The only things I really disliked about the game were some of the side missions. The chase sequences really weren't all that fun since you have no warning when whatever you're chasing is about to go a different direction, so it's really easy to get left behind. While a lot of people don't like the MJ missions, I actually liked them quite a bit. The gameplay felt slow at times but it added a lot to the story which I loved. What I didn't like were the Miles missions. While not only were they sluggish and unfun, they barely added anything to the story. It just felt unnecessary.

Really great game, and I totally get the hype now. Can't wait to play the DLC

the campaign was pretty fun for the first few hours but it quickly started to feel dry and ended up overstaying it's welcome. some of the levels were straight up just enemy spams to try and make the game feel more difficult. the ending was cool though, i'll give it that.