This is a romhack based on a great concept, each pokemon having 4 abilities. I think it's quite brillant and works really well, offering a very fun and innovative way of playing Pokemon.

Building your team/pokemons is a lot of fun and the difficulty of the game is well made. That being said, while I enjoy the fact that capturing pokemon then building them takes 2 seconds and that we have unlimited items available for our journey, I think in the long run it ruins the "adventure" feel a pokemon game or romhack should have.

At first it's alright because we're trying out a lot of different combinations but as the game goes on, every npc encounter begin to feel tedious as we gain absolutely nothing by beating them. There are some challenge npc that awards rare pokemons but it's still lacking and in the end I just wished to play Radical Red again which rewarded players a lot better by offering mega stones, good items like leftovers, choices items, etc...

I think this romhack is already good but lack the polish that Radical Red has and I'm hoping the future updates make the game better on this aspect precisely as the rest of the game is perfectly fine as it is.


Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
