I'm amazed by how good this game is, I came up knowing absolutely nothing about this after playing TH9 and I don't regret playing it at all, I would even say it has become my favourite TH game for the moment with TH8.

This game is quite unorthodox, you don't shoot anything, don't go through any long stages with multiples ennemies. Instead, you only fight bosses in really short stages which are around 1min max and your goal is to take photos of the boss with your camera.

Your camera also has the power of removing any bullets on its screen, so it's a defensive tool as much as your way to win the stage, this camera must be charged each time, you can wait for it to charge itself slowly OR charge it yourself by being near immobile for a moment, each level requires you to use a different strategy with very different pattern each time and it's a lot of fun to find the way to actually win.

The game is very hard, you'll die a lot of times BUT what I love about this game is that dying has absolutely no consequences, you didn't lose 1 hour and need to beat each stages like any touhou game to fight the final boss again. Here in this game, you'll die, press a button and you're back before the boss instantly and it allows the player to try different things without worrying about the consequences, trying out things is key in this game.

Your character, Aya Shameimaru is very fast and to compensate with her really high movespeed, you get to use 3 different speed modes which allow you to adapt to different patterns. There are times where speed is key and you'll want to cross the entire screen very quickly and other times to be as slow as you can for precise dodging

Overall I had a lot of fun in this game, it becomes a lot harder during the second part of the game where I could take 1 to 4 hours for a single level.

As for the flaws I would say its soundtrack is really poor for a Touhou game, I know it's a spin-off but it's still disappointing.

Lastly I'm a bit bummed that there's no ending, dialogues or anything of the sort in this game.

I recommend it to any touhou fans wanting a different, fresh experience.

Reviewed on May 10, 2023
