I really don’t get peoples love for this game because this is maybe the worst battlefield I’ve ever played, and there is so much I dislike but the main thing is the lack of creativity in the game.

I mean I always view battlefield as a sandbox shooter series with an insane amount of cool things to do and the more outside the box you think the more exciting the game is but this games seems very bare bones, barely any gadgets and vehicles per map and there’s a very clear meta of sitting in the back of the map or sitting on a flag and throwing Molotov’s. Every time I try to experiment on this game it seems I’m being severely punished.

Also just the fighting seems so slow, there are really no advantage you can take while fighting it’s all determined on who shoots first and thats it, the movement feels stagnant when jumping and crouching, the gunplay is fine but once again I feel I get no advantage.

And this might be ea at their peak micro transactions, I mean at least the newer battlefields the main things you can buy are cosmetics that don’t affect the game with this it’s a lot more heavy on spending money and there’s only 2 operations while the rest are locked.

Overall, a pretty bad experience I’m going back to v and I’ll review that soon but the smoothness of that game was night and day to this, played some of the campaign but nothing to right home about

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
