WIKTOBER 2023 Log #001 - Stasis: BONE TOTEM
I am so fucking down with this game its unreal.
As far as point and click games go its good, great even. The gimmick is having a three person party where you can swap control over any member at any time, as well as sharing each item between each member. The puzzles themselves are pretty reasonable, especially compared to other adventure games. Things generally make sense and if you read PDA's/logs, and the flavor text each character has for any particular item, then you won't get stuck often. So mechanically the game is solid. But the story, setting, and characters are what elevate it.
This is peak sci-fi horror. The only thing that comes to mind that tops it is Soma, and that's saying a lot. The actual timeline of events is confusing as hell, but thankfully the side characters, all equally interesting to listen to, fill in the gaps.
The dynamic between the three playable characters is great. Husband, wife, and their deceased daughter's animatronic AI teddy bear make a great combo.
Oh yeah, Moses. I could write this whole review on how much I love Moses. He is the cleverest little bear. The relationship between him and one of the side characters that show up is actually very touching. Then there's Calaban. Who/what he is is kind of a spoiler, but what I can say is that he's an aggravating little cunt in the best way possible.
Bone Totem is another entry in the nuthutcore genre and holy shit does it come out swinging. Can't wait to see what this studio produces next.

My Moses. My sweet Moses.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023


7 months ago


7 months ago

@Butter_Dog 103 103 103 :-DDDDDD

7 months ago

Double u tee f, they boned the totem????

7 months ago

She totem on my bone till I'm stasis