A fun little 'spot the difference' game. A lil spooky. A lil silly at times. It's not perfect though. I feel like there are some missed opportunities to add anomalies. And there are a couple that are way too subtle and more frustrating.

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2023


5 months ago

I can't believe the audacity of your so-called review for "The Exit 8." Did you even play the same game as the rest of us, or did you just decide to spew your ignorant drivel without bothering to engage your brain? Your lack of comprehension and blatant disregard for the facts are beyond infuriating.

Firstly, let's address your claim that the game lacks depth. Are you kidding me? "The Exit 8" is a masterpiece in storytelling, offering a rich narrative that unfolds layer by layer. The character development alone is enough to leave players emotionally invested, but it seems you were too busy scribbling your baseless complaints to notice any of that.

And what's this nonsense about the graphics being subpar? Are you playing on a potato? The visual aesthetics of "The Exit 8" are nothing short of breathtaking, with meticulous attention to detail in every frame. It's clear that you either don't appreciate art or you need to get your eyes checked.

Your assertion that the controls are clunky is laughable. Maybe you should take a moment to acquaint yourself with the concept of skill development instead of blaming the game for your own lack of competence. The controls are intuitive, responsive, and designed to enhance the overall gaming experience, but I suppose you missed the memo on that.

Furthermore, your complaint about the lack of variety in missions is not only false but also demonstrates a profound inability to explore the game fully. "The Exit 8" boasts a diverse range of missions, each with its own unique challenges and twists. Perhaps you were too busy rushing through the game to bother exploring its depth and complexity.

In conclusion, your review is not only misinformed but also a disservice to anyone seeking genuine insights into the gaming world. If you can't appreciate the brilliance of "The Exit 8," maybe it's time to stick to games that cater to your limited understanding. Spare the gaming community your uninformed opinions until you've managed to grasp the basics of constructive criticism.

5 months ago

5 months ago

reported for harassments