This is definitely not my preferred type of game. That being puzzle based horror games. Though i hesitate to call it a "horror" game in a genuine sense. It certainly has a great atmosphere that is creepy and scary at times but the "scares" are extremely high quality, utilizing sound to create tension. Some of the most fear inducing scenes where just being chased while a tense almost wailing noise plays, too scared to look back for fear my pursuer might catch me. Overall, the puzzle elements were pretty straightforward and frankly the weakest part of the game. the voice acting was excellent and i felt the story was strong although, not anything greatly impressive. It was the way it was told that bings it up a notch, piecing together bits of the history from the diary notes of the protagonist. The nature of the puzzle invovlved a lot of exploration which aided in making finding these notes easy so that you learn the story while playing the game. The small snippets that appeared during the loading scenes where very useful. Overall, solid game. I don't think i'd replay it though.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2021
