There are so many small things that add up to make this a great game. A deck builder where you just add cards throughout your run, rather than building it from the start. Being able to see your enemies move before making a decisions. Powerful upgrades that often come with a trade off. Quick battles that really suck you into that 'one more go' gameplay. Different characters, all playing totally different styles.

It's great! So much variety and strategy. You continue to learn without the game explicitly telling you what to do. You know when a run is going to be good. You can feel it a few fights in, building your deck around one or two powerful cards. Such a good feeling.

Sadly it is also brought down by the very nature of roguelike games. You can be battling through, clingly onto every inch of health but still not make any progress. Starting again can feel so painful when you know you're on a good run, but undone by one type of enemy or debuff. It's a hard game, and better for it. Just wish I didn't feel such disappointment, and sometimes even anger at myself, when I eventually fall to an elite enemy.

Definitely a game worth everyone's time, but if you don't like the rinse and repeat or roguelikes then you won't enjoy this.

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2021
