This is a review of A Realm Reborn, not any of the post 2.0 patches or any other expansions.

This was an incredible time. The Main Story Quests honestly weren't anything special but it did have some awesome moments and great characters, it's a pretty basic Final Fantasy game in that regard, but it's not just a basic Final Fantasy game because it's also a MMO. I haven't played an actual MMO before, the only things like it I've played is Xenoblade Chronicles which has a relatively similar playstyle but way less intricate. But I had an incredible time fighting all these monsters, especially the Primals. The only issue is grinding levels is incredibly tedious and it discouraged me from exploring other jobs since I already had 1 job so high. But more than the story, more than the combat, more than anything, this game excels at the community. I've met so many unbelievably nice and sincere people playing this game. You can just walk around any hub and find people performing musical pieces, or danced, or full rock band covers, it's awe inspiring. Every city feels so lived in because you can see all these real people walking around and doing their own thing, it's incredible to witness and be a part of. This is truly a game you can sink so many hours into. And that's exactly what I plan on doing.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2023
