Drakengard 1 is a blast, the shocking themes, of which some have been censored in the english release, give this game a uniqueness no other jrpg had. The thought of a mass killing protagonist actually having something seriously wrong with him should have been toyed with a lot more like this. Caim and his raggedy team of horrible people plus a child and a priest really sets this game apart. That and its horrendous but extremely loveable gameplay and music. Each ending is a fun ride, from fighting a giant child to fighting giant babies to falling in love with your dragon companion to dooming the humanity of a normal earth in a different universe, many different flavors of WHAT? to go around. the story is decent, Caim and the Union fight the Red Eye infected Empire quickly leading to discovering that there are higher forces above that aid and direct the Empire, for the destruction of the world. I would ramble further but its been awhile since i plaayed so i dont want to let my memories cloud me. All in all a great game!! Easily my favorite PS2 game and though i havent played Drakengard 3 yet i have a hard time believing itll top Drakengard 1 for me, but we'll see.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
