This game is fun and overall a soulslike that I find more accessible than many others in the genre. The parry and dodge mechanics seem much more forgiving than a game like Elden Ring or Dark Souls while the boss fights have been surprisingly almost TOO easy after I struggled to beat Pieta. Fortunately for me my favorite part of souls games is fighting the minions between boss fights which may sound silly as I really enjoy the combat and grind of souls games I just hate spending 5-10 minutes chunking a big health bar after memorizing an attack pattern. Thankfully it is saved by very strong combat. The fighting mechanics are fun and much more varied than similar games in the genre.

A lot of critiques I have seen of this game I find to be relatively fair critiques. The two worlds mechanic is the biggest selling point and also one of the biggest dissapointments. It sure isn't a Dishonored Time Travel or Titanfall 2 phase shift level of quality but it is mostly well done. It just begins to frustrate you once you realize that so much of the world is functionally identical except for key sections where you are clearly meant to switch worlds. There isn't any creative problem solving here it is just a method to force the player to dimension hop for a few minutes before immediately hopping back.

The critique of "too many enemies" is valid but I don't necessarily agree with it. Most of the enemies in this game are very easily dispatched and it is pretty easy to aggro only one or two enemies at a time. I feel like a lot of people are just sprinting into rooms and then getting swarmed and not being careful. Sprinting in this game has a huge aggro range and 9/10 my deaths have been due to me sprinting into a room like a dummy and then aggroing every enemy for 3 rooms around me. With all that being said I don't think it is an unfounded complaint. The devs definitely padded the difficulty by just spamming you with more enemies rather than making less enemies that were more challenging to fight. The worst examples of this are boss fights where the devs clearly knew the boss was too easy to fight so they throw ranged minions or cannon fodder at you to add difficulty. A game like Elden Ring didn't need this kind of difficulty padding because the bosses in that game stood on their own as a difficult beast to take down.

Overall I would say this game is B tier. I like it quite a lot personally but I can see how many long time souls fans will dislike it or outright hate it by the time they acquire the Pilgrims Perch key.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2023
