Didn't expect to enjoy this one nearly as much as I did.

Onimusha: Warlords boasts well-composed environments, a rewarding combat system and an elegantly drip-fed world design. I loved the enemy variety and character models and often had a chuckle during most cutscenes, due to the cheesy dub.

The story is almost nowhere to be seen, most details shrouded by collectable books that are nothing more than meandering walls of text, if you're here looking for lore I'd suggest you leave. The moment-to-moment narrative is serviceable, but even then, by the end of the game, I felt next to no compassion for any of the characters.

Overall a fun little experiment of a game, whose short run time is to its advantage. I'd say it's worth paying just to witness the pre-rendered cutscenes, them shits go crazy.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
