I'm honestly a bit blown away by this game.
An improvement over the original in almost every possible way which is how a sequel should be.

This game might have one of my favorite soundtracks in the last 10 years which might be saying a lot or barely anything depending on your tastes.

This doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything like that in fact It's more of the same if you are coming off the first game so if you didn't like that then this certainly won't change your mind since it doubles down on what the first game started.

The combat is similar to the first game but with quite a few additions to mechanics such as the Feral counters which there are 3 types of for you to choose from.

4 new weapon types (including the 3 DLCs) and a metric fuck ton of moves and abilities to acquire both from buying them with skill points and having certain skills drop from bosses.

the latter being my main and one of the very issues with this game because good lord it can take you hundreds of runs before you get a boss skill to drop or you can get lucky and have it drop right away it's RNG that can be extremely brutal at it's worst.

The bosses can also be hit or miss in terms of difficulty some of them are really challenging and others feel extremely weak and easy to exploit the latter being mostly the human bosses since I found it extremely easy to set them up to where I can break their stamina and do damage in an endless loop till they die.

If I'm gonna nitpick I would also say that I'm not exactly a fan of the endgame for Nioh 2 as it devolves from carefully planning attacks and learning timing and good defense into unga bunga who melts the other first which is a shame but you most likely will never see this problem rear it's ugly head if you are just in it to beat it once or twice and leave it at that.

The pros eclipse the cons by a country mile tho so I would wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone who's a fan of the genre.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2021
