Developer Mercury Steam returns to make a sequel to a semi competent game and have it be one of the worst sequels ever made.

Prologue/Tutorial starts out decent enough with a siege on Dracula's castle who you happen to control it does that shitty thing where it gives you a taste of your endgame powers only to strip them away at the end of the prologue. I've always hated that trope but that's gonna be the least of this game's problems moving forward.

After the prologue you wake up in the future as and old man with barely any power left and have to feed to restore your strength. after that you discover that this game is split into two sections that switch around as it goes on.

The first one is you traveling to the past to explore your castle and gain new powers while you fight the castle itself controlling your minions and pitting them against you. I'd go as far as to say that these sections are decent just like the first game nothing amazing but nothing offensive either.

The second section is where this thing nosedives into the mud and never recovers because during your time with the castle section the only thought that crosses your mind is "Oh god how long is it before I have to go back to that shitshow?".
You as Dracula have turn into a fucking rat and hide from buff soldiers because Dracula is a massive pussy apparently and it never deviates from this either it's always the same.
Hide from soldiers, Turn into a rat , Bite some wires to open doors and trying to get through said door rinse and repeat. These fucking sections ruin the rest of the game making the whole product extremely painful to playthrough.

Such a shame after a promising prologue that the rest of the game turns out to be a massive waste of time and nothing more.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
