So there's a couple of things I have to say about this one:
1. The opening to the game is pretty cool.
2. I mentally checked out of the game's story and writing right when that one guy with the afro (I don't care enough to look up his name) went on his radio station and said: "here's the newest fidget spinners that just dropped!" Shame it had to flashbang me with that too because the story before then was kinda neat.
3. There's this cool little feature where people can give their reviews on a demon in a comment section. Shoutouts to all those people I saw in the demon reviews, I hope you all get mental help, effective immediately.
4. This game's roster is like one of those fake Smash bros character selects you'd see years ago, only its real. Can you believe the game has crossovers with Berserk, Devil May Cry, Ghost in the Shell, and 7 Deadly Sins? I still can't.
5. I don't have the link to it, but I remember seeing a Twitter clip from a JP account showcasing an update to the pvp meta for this game with some new demons/abilities, I think? I dunno, I had no idea what the fuck was going on. There were so many auto buffs and boosts happening at once that I barely saw the attack menu. The insane powercreep I saw from that one match made it all feel like a fever dream.
6. It's a mobile gacha game. I was never going to like this shit anyways, even if it's an entry to my favorite franchise.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
