Played it for quest 2 and was complete shit. I bought it once, it didn't download, refunded it, bought it again, and regreted it deeply.

When I first bought it, I think I was sick, so every other time I played it after that, it felt like a fever dream. I didn't play it for several months, than came back to it and played the shit out of it. Very cool.

Very fun, more games need fliping.

One of the best vr roguelites of all time.

Hey Lois, I'm in The Walking Dead: Saints in Sinners, the hit VR game! (I love this game dearly)

If there were better melee and models and stuff, easy 5.

Very fun, but there is no smooth locomotion. And its kinda outdated.

L4D VR. Not L4D2, the first one.

Super fun and fluid parkour. And combat I suck booty at