This was the shit back in the day, man. This, Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports were the ones for me.

Many see LEGO Games as a big sellout, but they're very wrong.

I think what makes a LEGO Game so addictive is the easy controls, well-designed levels (most of the time) the wide range of characters that you have the choice to play as, all with their own mechanics and functions that spruce up gameplay and keep it interesting. As well as the compulsive need to complete the game.

Collecting studs is so satisfying. I will never not get tired of absorbing a massive pile of studs, watching the stud meter fill up. Studs!

It also helps that I'm a lifelong Star Wars fan and lifelong LEGO Collector. (I say Collector, but it's more of an addiction at this point) I know people who were introduced to Star Wars thanks to this game. That's gotta count for something.

Despite my five star rating, I must say this: Vehicle Levels are dreadful. Besides the Mos Espa Podrace, the rest of them are not fun unless you have the extras enabled. (Looking at you, Gunship Cavalry) So many precious studs were lost in these levels.

And some of the solutions to get Minikits or Red Bricks are very odd and don't always apply to the set mechanics in the game. Some of them require your own ingenuity, which I guess is kinda cool. But very frustrating if you can't figure out what to do. A far cry from LEGO Games today.


Fourteen years on, it still holds up. A pinnacle and respected piece of Gaming Culture. As someone who has played many LEGO Games in his time, I think The Skywalker Saga will be the culmination of every single game Traveller's Tales has made. Every mechanic, level design, character function formulated will all come together in this bad boy.

And it wouldn't have been possible with this Chad amongst Chads.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2021
