I honestly don't get why people make this to be the best Far Cry game out there...

Not only is it:

1) Incredibly tedious without fast traveling to go from A to B hundreds of times.

2) Enemies respawning in the same locations all the time from 50 meters away make it going from A to B even more tiresome. So, you very often you have to clear same areas 9 - 12 times.

3) Color scheme is dull, boring and make it hard for you to spot out enemies while the enemy AI knows perfectly where you are, sometimes even through bushes.

4) Malaria is annoying.

5) Characters besides The Jackal weren't that memorable to me.

6) Even though guns jamming adds realism after a short while it became an annoyance as well.

Now I'm a masochist but the last 7th reason which I'm not going to label but got to me is the game being a buggy mess.

I've experienced a game-breaking one during a story mission where I had to clear an area and save a person that wasn't spawning no matter what I do which got me permanently stuck and around 20 hours of my time wasted.

Reviewed on May 02, 2023


11 months ago

People rate it highest precisely because of it being unforgiving --> this game WILL kill you if you don't pay attention and if you don't calculate your next move and travels.
It is the best Far Cry immersive wise for that reason.
Because dying in this game won't simply spawn you to the nearest outpost which you clearer 2 months ago and has since been devoided of enemies.
It is an adventure game, full on immersion, you couldn't possibly understand that immersion comes only with high stakes. But you couldn't possibly understand since you want to fast travel in an Open World Game.

11 months ago

I've played games unforgiven, besides the 4th and the 6th entry I've played all the other Far Cry games on hard. I enjoy Dark Souls. On Fallout I have mods that make my character take 6 - 8 times the amount of damage and die instantly from headshots, but the same goes with the enemy to give it a realistic feeling so you're already very wrong on what you tried to portray on me.

People rate it highly from the jump it had and the experimental idea on what Far Cry could be. That's why Far Cry 3 has become such a widely liked game that even OTHER GAMES have implemented the formula from that sole game. We can thank Far Cry 2 for being the stepping stone for that but come on... that game is hella boring and I tend to finish my games usually but this is one of the few I just couldn't.

The realistic aspect is all nice in a video game but you got to know how to make it interesting. Besides, if you argue for realism what's so realistic about my 2nd argument? You drive away 50 meters and all the enemies respawn immediately without even waiting on 5 minutes. I guess game-breaking bugs where you're supposed to talk with a person and he's just not there not allowing you to progress also adds a bit to realism, huh?

So yeah, the game MANAGED to not only kill me, but also my run. FC2 might be enjoyable with color scheme changing mods, definitely necessary on bug-fixing ones.

"It is an adventure game, full on immersion, you couldn't possibly understand that immersion comes only with high stakes. But you couldn't possibly understand since you want to fast travel in an Open World Game." Didn't even want to debunk this one as you came to conclusions early on without knowing a thing. The only reason why fast travel is necessary is because of the FC2 respawn stupidity. Not really fun on the repetitive aspect of the game clearing the same places 7 - 9 times for 1 or 2 missions. If the places stayed cleared for longer period of times I wouldn't complain about fast travel then. The fast travel problem I mention is chained to the other, funny you didn't mention that one. Besides even if the game HAD fast travel how would that affect you? You just wouldn't use it and everybody wins.

So all in all even with "realism" I still do not understand how people can like this game. Each to their own I guess.