Make no mistake, most people believe this is a Movie, but in actuality this is more like a Litmus Test, specifically crafted as to identify and discriminate between those who are gifted with the ability to enjoy fun things that are fun and the poor peasants who probably haven't even played this game in the first place, and just ended being mere parrots of the zeitgeist (Youtube Video Essayist).

If you happen to be among the former group of people, like yours truly, then I'm positive you're cursed with an High I.Q. and your life is one of hardships, but do not fret! As at the very least, you're one of the lucky Pals or Gals who has actually played one of the finest games to be released back in the late 2000s.

As for everybody else... I just hope you'll one day be able to play experience MGS4 for yourselves and realize how wrong both you, and the Youtube Bad Opinion factory were. If you happen to be one of the few who has actually played this and yet still thinks the zeitgeist is correct, I'm afraid there is no hope left for you in this world. May whichever deity you believe in have mercy upon your wretched soul, Amen!

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
