Players probably fill up with sorrow and anger when they hear “playable teaser” but that’s exactly what The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is. Instead of being a meaty demo for a doomed horror game, it’s an extended free sampling of the upcoming Life is Strange 2, of which some of Captain Spirit‘s choices will carry over to. While details are slim about that second season, Captain Spirit faithfully captures most of the essence of the first game in its two-hour runtime for better and for worse.

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Indie Metroidvanias were still somewhat of a novelty back in 2013. Even then, Guacamelee stood out among its peers because of its smooth platforming, wonderful music, hilarious writing, and gorgeous art style. I was a huge fan of that special game. And, judging by the glaring similarities and multitude of copied elements, so is Guacamelee 2. Guacamelee 2 successfully imitates the style of the first game but lacks the surprise and ingenuity necessary to top that original outing.

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