For a mobile game (all the ports are the same game in better frames), it’s good— and replayable since you never really run out of missions.

After that?

It’s just a game exploiting lonely otaku culture. You got a paycheck? Burnt on a character or weapon that isn’t GUARANTEED. Got mommy/daddy’s credit card? Ruin their credit. The characters are not charming or unique in anyway, and the voice acting (English mainly) sucks. It’s really just Breath of The Wild without much creativity.

Story? You lose your sister/brother (player determined) and you have to find them. Does any of the missions you do relate to that? Nah. Do a bunch of main missions that feel like side quests to get to know an irrelevant pair of characters that have nothing to do with that storyline.

People will swear and die on the hill that this is an amazing game. It’s mediocre.

If that’s your opinion, then it isn’t respectable. Jump off that hill.

(Seriously don’t jump off a hill just seek help. You have a gambling addiction)

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
