This was a game I really wanted to get into, however it just wasn't for me. Before I get into why I wanna explain why I still gave it 4/5 stars, because this is a good game, even I can see that even though I didn't enjoy it.

However if you're unsure about this genre I will tell you about my experience, and why I decided to retire from factorio. This game is a breeding ground for anxiety and stress, and your enjoyment of it will highly depend on your organization and planning skills. It will make you question whether or not you have ADHD.
You see in this game there are two key components. The factory, and the biters. The factory's main purpose is to construct science and allow you to progress through the game, the biters attack the factory and try to stop you. If you aren't fast enough with developing the factory the biters who constantly evolve will catch up and you will functionally lose. If you aren't organized enough it will be incredibly difficult to keep pace with the biters, that's why it took me 5 tries and 100 hours just to beat this game once. It may be the hardest game I've completed, and that's entirely because of my own incompetence.

Back to the stress, anxiety, and ADHD comment, whenever there is a task that needs doing in your factory you will inevitably be drawn to another task while doing the first. This happened to me for 4 hours once. FOUR HOURS. My factory was on the verge of running out of power for FOUR HOURS, but oh wait, sulphur productions a little low gotta do that, then I can scale up batteries... wasn't there something important I'm supposed to be doing?

That warning being said, you really can't know if this is something you'll be suffering from until 10 hours into the game, and it's not the most expensive game in the world, so give it a go anyway. Just be less stubborn then me and call it quits earlier rather than 120 hours in.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
