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I love this game. I felt so attached to the story as I played more. Every character feels so memorable and you just want to see them accomplish everything.

I kept finding side content that was also very well done. Trying not to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't played the game, but some of the side content is deep lore. You learn so much about people and places. Compared to the first two Xenoblade games, the side content here feels like it's just more main story. And that's a good thing.

The ending left me wanting more even though I feel like it was the most satisfying conclusion to a Xeno game yet.

I hope we get some sort of expanded epilogue as part of the expansion pass. All my questions are answered in terms of mysteries the games presents but they leave just enough to make me curious.

Couple of negatives to list:
- Some side missions are just very basic fetch quests. And they weren't hard to complete. But there is one that requires one of the rarest items in the game and thank lord I figured out a replicator could produce said rare item. Still took standing at one for 40 minutes just hoping I would get the large amount required. Not fun.
- The game had weird audio cuts at certain times. It was only a few times but I'm not sure what was causing it. I had it happen both in dock and handheld.

Absolutely play this game if you love the Xeno series or love JRPGs in general. It's loaded with quality content and you can't ask for more than that.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
