Steel Roamer is a Iron Lung like game, where you are in the Australian Outback, while a mutated Kangaroo stalks and hunts you.

The game is unapologetically like Iron Lung, to the barely limited vision, to the lack of threat until the last jumpscare at the end, the game proudly wears its inspiration on its shoulders. And it does that Iron Lung formula not very great, not in a terrible way, but certainly not in a good way, it just gets very boring fast.

This game isn't necessarily bad, it's just unforgettable and boring.

Now, that would be the end of my review for the game. But... after looking into this game a bit, the creator of this game is an absolute asshole that fucked over his friend and co-worker, who they working on a mascot horror game together, called Bucky's Grounds. Apparently no one was paid, he lied a bunch, with more things that I don't really know about, but from what I have seen, the main developer of this and Bucky's Grounds is quite the bad dude.

Overall: 4/10

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2024
