2 Reviews liked by OvileeDay

This game is truly depressing. Not to say the setting is sad, but it is another game showing the decline of one of my favorite developers. It is reminiscent of Mass Effect Andromeda, the game that was the first clear step in the decline of another beloved developer.

- loading screens every 10 seconds
- empty worlds with the same 5 copy pasted locations
- AI is shit
- Animation is the same lifeless crap
- the lauded gunplay is and improvement but thats a low friggin bar. Its still behind games decades old
- cant fly your ship place to place. In skyrim you could actually go to any mountain. In Starfield if you actually take the hours (in real time) to fly to the next planet you find a floating jpeg
- the feeling you get traveling in skyrim, the possibility of random encounters is lost, the soul of what makes bethesda games great is absent in this title
- lastly its a buggy mess. We fans of bethesda looked the other way for years because the experience we got, one we couldn't get anywhere else. But this bland, empty, lifeless games doesn't have that. This is a game that even the modders won't touch.
Actions have absolutely 0 consequence. The game just loops around in ways regardless of your choices to have the outcome they wanted. One questline i remember specifically you are meeting for a deal. You try to kill and take the money, papa says no and you cant (not even an option to tell him to stick it and do it anyway). you try to negotiate and papa does it for you. this leads really into my next point
you are pointless - most quests could have been solved by the givers with a fucking email. You go here, tell person this, come back. Even when you are doing something, like in the quest alluded to above there is someone better for the job. Just shut up and let papa do it for you.

TLDR: Its hot garbage, move along

This isn't heaven or hell but purgatory