I went into this game with insane expectations.
It's easily one of the most renowned games of all time. And being on the internet during an era in which the generation that grew up with this game dominated most video game discussions; it always came back to Chrono Trigger. It was the crown jewel of the genre by a longshot.
And I finally played and beat it earlier this year and... yeah. It's nearly a masterpiece.
It just does so much right and little to nothing wrong.
The combat is engaging, the story is fun and interesting, the characters are lovable, as well as being all equally useful, they have multiple endings, optional bosses, a perfectly sized world that is easy to traverse, challenging bosses that never feel like damage sponges but closer to a clever puzzle to figure out, there are plenty of ways to build your team and utilize their unique teamup abilites, the soundtrack is easily one of the best of the era, the pixel are is beyond gorgeous, and the list honestly could keep going. There were a few aimless moments in the game. But thats basically a none issue, because they have a pretty good "hint giving character" to keep you on track.
I think the most surprising element that I took away from the expierence was the pacing.
It's just so immaculate. It's fastpaced, especially for a JRPG. But despite that all of the moments felt personal and savored. I think this was just square at its height. A team of developers who had spent the last decade perfecting the craft of the 2D RPG. And this is the fruits of all of the labor.
I'm very glad I finally played it. A lot of surprises in a game so legendary and old.

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023
