Super disappointing. I haven't play the first two games in a while, but I don't remember them being this.. nonsensical.
The mechanics are super fun. It feels amazing to move around in a level. It feels good to fight things, it feels good to weave around bosses attack patterns, so its infinitely more frusterating when the game NEVER challenges you at all. Ive heard the challenge needs to be self imposed or it comes from the ranking system. But I don't like that. The game should be satisfying without having to work to make it satisfying. It was engaging on a gameplay level. And it felt like it was begging to be the whole time. I think their approach was trying to be like some action platformer visual novel? Which maybe could work... Too bad the story felt pretty milktoast. Some of the bigger subtext referencing the other games in the series was lost on me, but on a surface level, this story is lame as hell.
I loved the original game. But I'm second guessing my memories if it was anything like this.
A very "nothing game" with the veneer of being a "something game".

Reviewed on Oct 10, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

DAMN aint no idol babe resurrection gonna be strong enough to bring GV back from this one.

Inti really oughta figure out nailing the surface level enjoyments for their games seeming deep enough to actually incentivize normal people to get into them properly. As is - you won't! Because why would you??? They let you win for free and offer a narrative about seemingly nothing characters fighting equally uninteresting nobodies! The Gunvolt faithful know the truth... But WHY does the truth gotta be buried because dirty design? It is was it is!!