What commonalities does it share with Metroid Prime besides that there helmet HUD and good menu muzak, you ask? Well this Fisher Price's Rainbow Six game that's easily over and done with within a day, and stays relatively entertaining throughout, similarly has alien bugS and dudes with jetpacks you can shoot up with a pewpew blaster, but I prefer to have my men do the gruntwork while I throw out an amount of grenades that embarrasses Masterchef from Halo3. I hope you feel elucidated, BRothers All....

Ps: i thought i had LetGo...but i can feel it again, faintly...StarWar is good!....
Pps: yes the super battledroids in this are super annoying bulletsponges, especially if you dont use the explosive ordinance the game readily hands out and/or shoot off their gun arm instead of firing at the big armored torso, You did try to do that, Right?

Reviewed on May 12, 2024


1 month ago

boss is literally me

1 month ago

@tarnkappe Sev is literally me (we both topfrag all the time and listen to Linking Park)