This game is the definition of a pasionless vision.
There are some interesting ideas, the new Pokémon designs are good, but they never go full out on them.
The story is incredibly boring and mediocre, Dynamax is a worthless mechanic, it doesn't challenge your brain power like for some reason Pokémon Company thinks children never develop problem-solving capabilities, it has some of the worst divorces of player engagement in a RPG of all things handholding you for a non-existent story forcing you to never get involved of the growth of the world building outside of just beating the Gyms.
They used Xenogears Disc 2 levels of storytelling at points, I'm not even joking, in a 2019 RPG game.
The worst part, is that they lock out actually engaging smaller campaigns in the form of expensive DLC, campaigns that should of been part of the base game and could of enhanced the quality of the entire package.

Uggh, this game just frustrates me more the longer I think about it. And I really Pokémon fans deserve better experiences with more ambition than what this rushed product delivered.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2021
