"Under cover of darkness they evacuated the hospital and sent one of them to go in the lead. The others returned to the lines and took up positions under the bodies of their fallen brothers. As they waited, the blood of the dead poured over them. The blood clung to their skin like a shroud, changing them, anointing them. As the enemy approached, the remaining fourteen rose from the desert sand. They were like hunters who could not be seen. They used stealth from which their enemies could not defend themselves. When they ran out of ammunition, they used knives, when the knives ran out of edge, they used their hands. When it was all over there was only one enemy left alive, they found him in the desert wandering aimlessly, traumatized he warned the others about a force so fearsome and invincible that it could only be described as supernatural, they called them.... Ghosts."

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
