Really fun tactical fps game. You go through three lengthy mission in a squad of 4 specially trained clone troopers known as Commandos. They each have a charming personality that bounce off each other so well, so it made the dialogue in the game one of the best enjoyments. They react to almost anything you or any of them do whether it's good or a mistake. Gameplay is a bit slow and it can be a it brutal at times imo but I still had fun. Using the squad to carry out tasks and strategies was really enjoyable. Story was interesting too. But man the switch port is riddled with way too many issues. Crashes, missing textures, models going nuts, sounds screeching and occasional frame drops. That last section with the Spider Droids one after another was insane. Wish the bigger enemies werent such bullet sponges. Also the squad AI can be a bit clunky at times too which was cumbersome. Would've given it a half star higher if these issues weren't present. Great Star Wars game

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023
