Really great game. I feel like it's a bit of an improvement over Zelda 1 in terms of gameplay and mechanics. The power ups and items are fun to use and discover. The castle levels are fun to navigate and I adore the soundtrack. Game still does lack in level variety (until the last level) and the game can be pretty cheap with enemy placement and some of the enemy patterns. Final boss oddly felt too easy in comparison to the fourth boss, which was really irritating. Some of the items feel a bit useless too (like the invincibility helmet). The exploration also lacked a bit which I'll admit Zelda 1 did a bit better, due to its "open-world" layout. This game was more straightforward with a few dead end paths. I feel like if a new game were ever made they should definitely expand upon the level design and exploration as it would do it wonders. Zelda 2 still excels in this regard. The saving feature and not having to start over are also a godsends lol. This was my first Famicom Disk System game that actually really wow'ed me. Really cool and novel game and a great part of Nintendo's history. 8.5/10

Reviewed on May 30, 2023
