Having relations with REDACTED was one of the high points of my life. Also the game was darn good. I'd give this version of Mass Effect 3.5 stars. Unfortunately Mass Effect 2 was very disappointing and I stopped playing. It was during the Mission to recruit Archangel. I got to the part where the mercs were trying to get into the room Archangel was holed up in and I found that I had no idea how to proceed. The mercs were shooting at him and he was killing them easily. After looking all over and finding no where to go, I ended up looking at a walkthrough and apparently I was simply supposed to open fire on the mercs. I found this to be such a violation of being a paragon. The game essentially forces you into betraying the squad you have just teamed up with by shooting them in the back when they aren't even hostile toward me. To my knowledge, there is no other way to proceed in the game. I even tried to find a mod to fix this problem. I thought these games were about freedom and player choice.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
