It's saving graces are the music and the written quality. How it manages it's themes of religious fanaticism, humanity's mortality, and having faith in the future is done pretty well, and the music is always on point and lures you in nicely to being relatively focused on the puzzles at hand. This game also just has enough frustrations that wind up making it less of an enjoyable puzzler than it could be. Most of the solutions in the game basically revolve around getting all the pieces pushed through forcefields so you have them in immediate range, or using the replay mechanic and just standing still for a while to give yourself all the time you need to complete the puzzle in non-replay mode. There are a handful of really good, brain stumping puzzles that give you a real sense of joy for overcoming, but a lot of them come down to tedium, especially when it comes to getting some of the secret stars. Searching around for a switch obscured by foliage or a crate hidden in the ass end of a map isn't good puzzle solving, it's just bad exploration.
I do have a soft spot for this game, but I won't let it's shortcomings slip by my view for an objective review...!

But yeah, the writing is REAL good

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2022
