This feels like the ideal for classic Kirby. I wasn’t expecting to like this more than Dreamland 3, which is probably the cutest and one of the most pleasant game I’ve ever played, but the gameplay in Superstar is much better IMO.

This is the first game to have multiple moves for each copy ability, and it allows for much more player creativity during combat. Player creativity in combat is rarely required due to the game’s low difficulty, but it’s hardest moments - like the arena boss rush mode - do challenge the player to really learn Kirby’s expansive move set and make full use of it.

One of the biggest improvements Superstar makes over Dreamland 2 and 3 is regarding the implementation of puzzles. The puzzles required to reach collectibles and secret areas in D2 and D3 revolve around the creative use of copy abilities and animal friends - most of which require some backtracking to obtain before use. I wrote about this extensively in my reviews of D2 and D3 but the way these puzzles are implemented can end up being very frustrating and monotonous. This issue is pretty much entirely fixed in Superstar due to the puzzles being based around thorough exploration of the level and then sometimes the creative use of copy abilities, which are always readily available. This might not sound significant, but it ends up making a big difference regarding gameplay experience. Instead of backtracking to gather copy abilities and animal friends you can spend your time engaging in combat and exploration, which is where Kirby games really shine.

All the core game modes are enjoyable and actually manage to create very different experiences through just a couple of small gameplay tweaks. Spring Breeze (a remake of dreamland 1) and Dynablade are your classic Kirby adventures. The Great Cave Offensive is based around exploration and puzzle solving in a large open level. Revenge of Meta-Knight implements a timer and requires you to speed through the level, which will drastically alter play style for a lot of people. Finally, Milky Way Wishes gets rid of Kirby’s ability to copy enemies and instead requires that you gather hidden copy ability collectibles in each level. Once you nab a collectible you can use the corresponding copy ability forever and freely switch between the ones you’ve already gathered. On top of the core game modes, Superstar also includes the rather short Gourmet Race where you race King DeDeDe through a level and try to gather more food than he does. There are also two mini games included - one based around timing button presses and the other around fast reaction time. Once you complete all the game modes you’ll also unlock the Arena, which is a pretty challenging boss rush. After beating this as well you’ll unlock the sound test, which allows you to play songs and sound effects from the game.

All of the core game modes are legitimately great. My favorite was definitely Revenge of Meta-Knight due to how unexpectedly fun it was to speed through a Kirby adventure. My pace is normally very leisurely when playing Kirby games, so this was a refreshing experience.

This is, IMO, the definitive classic Kirby experience, and I’d recommend it to any Kirby fans who haven’t played it as well as any newbies looking to try a Kirby game for the first time.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
