Mostly pointless when Ace Combat 3 exists (on the same platform, just 2 years later), which does everything Fromsoft is trying to accomplish here like a million times better, but the presentation is still very charming and the movement/combat is pretty fun once you get used to it. I didn't have half the amount of trouble with the controls some people seem to have had, but maybe that's just because the mech design I stuck with was very suited for the fast pace this game clearly wants you to be playing at. Still, if you are having trouble, the Karasawa and/or Human Plus are right there.

Also, the final level of this is one of those all-time classic videogame levels in the style of "Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap" from Marathon. And by "all-time classic" I mean "somewhere around attempt number 50 you start to wish there was a special section in the end credits that showed you the level designer's home address". The duplicate boss fights at the end are completely optional, for some reason, so feel free to skip them both if you dont want your head to explode Scanners-style out of pure anger upon realizing you have to climb up the moving cubes again.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
