I wish I liked this as much as most people seem to, but I can't help but feel that the simple perfection of the original Doom works a lot better than the awkwardness of the new level design and combat in Doom II. There aren't any points in the original game where I wish I was able to jump, or look around vertically, or have access to any of the now standard FPS features that would be introduced in Quake. Doom II often feels let down by lacking these elements, and its sprawling level design with larger vertical expanses reminds me a little too much of Quake to enjoy it on the same terms I do the original. Still, there's a lot to love in Doom II and I'd bet when someone says "doom" a good chunk of the things that come to your mind originate in this game. The super shotgun, the icon of sin, tons of classic enemy designs like the Revenants or the Mancubi, etc. Doom II isn't a bad game by any means, just one that unfortunately makes me wish I was playing Quake instead.

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
