If Mario 3D world is one of the worst 3D Mario's, then New U is one of the worst 2D Mario's. The gameplay is sloppy, but more importantly the levels and many of the boss fights are just poorly designed. I haven't played 2D Mario since the SNES and was looking forward to this game. It's a shame this is what Mario has become.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023


7 months ago

What about these games are sloppy and poorly designed compared to mario world? There are plenty of things to criticize these games on, such as a lack of ambition or identity, but I think the actual design of the game is just as good as any other 2D Mario.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

This is an old review I transferred from my Backloggery to here. I haven't played the game since it came out, and honestly don't remember my exact gripes with it. I do remember it plays poorly compared to most platformers though. Maybe if I'm bored and want to torture myself, I'll play it some more and remember why it sucked and put something more detailed up.