This is a pretty decent visual novel with some fairly mid gameplay intertwined. There are some neat animations in the gameplay with final strikes and co-op attacks. I found most of the characters likable, if not a little lacking in depth. The game drags in the middle but I think it ends really strong. If you like VNs and want to play this series I would recommend this since it sets up the sequels which are really good, but if you don't already like the genre or just want to play a standalone game I don't think this is for you. On its own it's a fine experience but if the other games didn't exist I don't think I would recommend this to anyone when so many other amazing VNs exist.

If you wanted to be mean you could call it a poor man's Fire Emblem, but aside from the fact that it's a tactical RPG I don't think it's very similar. This game is a lot more focused on the story and FE is generally more focused on the combat. The combat is honestly not great and the maps are really quite boring and samey. One or two of the maps are just like fuck you move your 10 units 40 tiles away with no real challenge in between you and your goal. Just an exercise in tedium!

There are some absolute nuclear bombs of cringe here and I don't consider myself someone who is usually sensitive to that kind of stuff. Like I've played many VNs before and have never really felt that way. Thankfully the ones that really got me were limited to the first 25% of the game or so. I would really prefer if Aruru's VA would refrain from like putting the mic in her mouth on some lines. Lord forgive me idk if the Uta community really likes her or not, but Aruru in general I didn't like.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2022
