Imma keep it real with ya chief. I don't remember a damn thing about this game's story.
All I know is that it lets you pilot Mobile Suits while fighting alien dinosaurs, with a BUDDY.
That's GOTY material enough in my book.

But seriously, this game plays amazing. There's endless replay value, the weapons and skills have so many unique combinations to make gameplay interesting, and it has that sort of old school feel where it's not PRECISELY a sandbox, but everything isn't so meticulously planned out. It vaguely feels like anything can lowkey happen if you have the means and the materials and the extra spritz of luck to make it happen.
idk man, I've played so many video games in my life, but I think my time playing Lost Planet 2 on the couch with my bros is the most fun I've ever had.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2021
