SEGA's response to Mario was... definitely a mixed bag.
Despite the game being carried by the advanced graphics and the speed at which the console could load giant levels, it really wasn't enough to keep me interested through a game with a very lacking level design not suited for Sonic's speed and some chaotic levels (the secret ones) I couldn't really care about.
It's impossible to not recognize the symbol Sonic has become in the last 32 years, but it's also easy to understand this glory probably never came for the first game itself (like Mario, a 8-bit game which had to rely on an important level design and some challenge), but more for the characters themselves which are, in a way, charming.

Sonic the Hedgehog is the opposite of Super Mario Bros. - style over quality.
Is it a bad thing? Yes and no: the game itself is not as enjoyable as other platforms, but the legacy it created is still alive 32 years later.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
