22 Reviews liked by Petra1999

"[dinosaur name] got bored!" so did I! of the fucking video game!!

hey its the funny guy with his fake passport i love the funny guy

It's an absolutely perfect adaptation to game mechanics from something that isn't a game. First you're taking your time, looking up everything in the guidebook to make sure you make no mistakes. Then you're strategizing about which rule checks are worth skipping because they take too long to warrant worrying about the fine they might cost you. Before you know it, it's second nature. You know that Bostan is in Republia and that the line on the MOA emblem goes diagonally from bottom left to top right. On top of this, the game is so good at increasing its complexity- each new rule fits in flawlessly with the existing mechanics, with the difficulty curve, and with the story events.

Like any great game, it feels worth mastering, but it by no means stops there, because you're in Arstotzka, a world where you're never commended for doing anything correctly, only reprimanded for doing things incorrectly. A world where you're fined heavily for the act of decorating your workspace. A world where conducting an X-ray to verify someone's sex and seizing someone's passport without any real justification aren't gross violations of rights but simply burdens, items on a checklist that must be done. Ultimately, Papers, Please is about being molded into thinking, acting, and making decisions like a robot. Come across a moral dilemma and you'll more than likely make your choice on whether or not to admit someone just based on if you've exceeded your protocol violation warning limit for the day. Human beings aren't human beings in Arstotzka, they're means to an end. Through this theme, not only does the game perfectly encapsulate both bureaucratic labor and authoritarian government as a whole, but it comes to the conclusion that no other game with moral dilemmas has been able to quite reach. When working as an immigration officer, there are no people. There are only sets of information which may or may not line up, the specific details of which are so irrelevant towards whether or not someone deserves to pass that they might as well be randomly generated.

And yet, somehow, the human side of Arstotzka shines through. Jorji is more than fine with playing the immigration game, applauding you for working such a difficult job whenever he's denied entry and vying to have more convincing papers next time. Calensk tells you that you'll earn a bonus for detaining more people, and yet he's unable to pay you fully the first few times because he had to spend more money taking care of his family than he anticipated. Even Dimitri, the man in charge of overseeing your position, the man who's forced you to become this robot, will give you a game over if you follow protocol and refuse to let one of his friends into the country. Like the rest of the game, this characterization is so effortlessly natural. The game's mechanics already made going back to get all the medals and endings worthwhile, but picking up on these details adds an additional, equally fulfilling layer. This all culminates in what I think is the high point of the entire game, and what's probably the most optimistic of the major endings. You've just grinded out nearly two-hundred credits to escape the country and are now at the hands Obristan's immigration officer with your family. But you're not denied entry, like you so very much deserve to be, you're let in. Why? Maybe the officer didn't notice your passports were forged, or maybe he inferred the situation that you were in and took mercy. Either way, it's because he's a human being, not a robot, and now your family's safe. Thanks for playing, roll credits.

Can't murder your companions to save food 😔

sometimes i dont defuse the bomb just to feel something...



When I started playing Abzu, I was eeling a little blue, and figured "I cod sea what it's pike swimming with the fishes. Not doing anyfin else right now." And so I dove fin to the waters.

Being honest, it took a whale for me to get finto, but the only fishue was that I was dragging my tail. The gill robot chums were neat, and all the locations and fish were reel pretty. Soaking in the Seanery, going through the moceans, it was nice. (However there was one seane that nearly anchored me it was so unnecessary.)

Overall, it's sardinely a deep experience, but you only get trout of it what you put fin. Well worth a couple of squid.

this is the game stardew valley copped most of its ideas from and to this day it's still as good as it was back in 2005

I think theres a space for interactive things that arent exceedingly goal oriented. I also think doing the bare minimum of a good idea doesnt absolve you of charging alot for little value.

Masterpiece, peak fiction, "bath time" is the greatest melody in existence and mozart would be fucking livid with jealously if he could hear it, gameplay so effortless in it's mastery it's safe to say interactive media will peak here for all eternity, a paragon in narrative writing that perfectly deconstructs the hero's journey so ingenuously.

Play this game if you haven't it's incredible, I haven't played the sequel nintendogs + cats but if it's anything like this good god.

Sometimes I remember this game exists and promptly proceed to spent the following 7 days playing nothing but this game. Legitimately fun.



better than club penguin. fight me
no idea when exactly i played this and i can't really check because the servers for this are long gone

there used to be quiz's and i would play them with friends to test out the strength of our friendship

the amount of vent and frustrations i wrote here when i was 8 are immaculate 10/10 a girl needs to let it out sometimes

The Kirby game you love with a billion new maps.