Bad and not even in the fun way. It's just incredibly boring. I can accept this came out before the first remake and wasn't as large scale but god this feels so dead in comparison. I went from looking forward to what fun new characters might be around every corner to actively dreading having to wade through more dialogue and wanting things to be over as fast as possible. Gameplay is also very weird, the game tries to handwave its own balancing issues by having enemies with massive health bars slowly whittle down your health with weak attacks, and then overloading you with hundreds of healing items and just expecting you to use them after every single battle, rather than creating something that's actually fun and somewhat challenging. Progression is also all over the place with you constantly having to backtrack between the same areas every 5 minutes.

Don't play this game. Watch a playthrough or read the digest version or something. No amount of story relevance is worth going through how boring of a 7-8 hours this is.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
