I haven't played this for long before it shut down, so I'm just going to tell you about my two-hour experience with the game. Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is a bit of a tragedy. While I hate the oversaturation of games when it comes to the FFVII universe, I can't deny that I had some enjoyment with the game

This was Square Enix's answer to PUBG, and it's decent for what it is. You're dropped into a few familiar places of Midgar with 74 other players, and compete to become the last man standing. It's a typical battle royale game, but with a Final Fantasy VII twist. For instance, you have access to different Styles that you can equip before you start the game. Whether it's a Warrior, Dragoon, or Ninja, each one has its own abilities and advantages, and disadvantages that the player can use

For example, a Warrior uses the sword
and excels in melee combat, but they can also be at risk since they're dependent on close-range combat. They also have a set of abilities like Rush, as they can move rapidly toward the direction they're looking at. Each player also has access to magic abilities and materia. I'm not going to explain what the magic does since it's sort of self-explanatory at this point, but it's nice that it can be leveled up, and I have no comment on the materia and what it can do. I also have no comment on the Chocobo breeding side quest either since I only used it for like five minutes

Another thing exclusive to The First Soldier is that you'll see familiar Final Fantasy VII enemies in every battle, like Military Police or Bombs; so it's not just online players you have to worry about attempting to eliminate you, and you'll know this because the FFVII Remake version of "Let the Battles Begin" will play once you hit a specific enemy. Some may take forever to kill if you don't have the right weakness from my experience, but you do get some rewards from killing a certain amount of enemies like items and exp to level up your player. Oh yeah your health also increases when leveling up; cool I guess

Fundamentally, this is a battle royale game but with RPG elements that make it stand out from the others. While it's cool that we have access to the abilities alongside your guns, this also leads to my biggest issue with the game, and it's the control scheme. I don't hate it as much as others, but it’s not great either; it's a bit cluttered since we're talking a mobile game here, but I got used to it for a bit

While I only played 5 games (3 of which I won), this game had potential if this wasn't exclusive to mobile devices, and I think that is solely the reason why the game was a failure. If this wasn't exclusive to IOS and Android, I think The First Soldier could've gotten a proper shot here, but alas it's dead now

But one question remains. Since the game has shut down for good, who is exactly The First Soldier?

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
