In a year of pretty good Soulslikes, this was the first one I played that felt a little drenched in that B-rate, Surge-style sheen. You know what I mean. Like, the ingredients are there but something about it just doesn't hit quite the same as when Momma Miyazaki makes it. What I will say though is that playing this with a pal in co-op is a lot of fun, and it definitely has some solid ideas. I love the mix of gunplay and soulslike mechanics, and the concept of each world being visited in a random order so everyone progresses through the game differently is smart.

But the general feeling while playing Remnant 2 is that it's a bit mindless. Most worlds offer zone after zone of the same environment. Enemies attack in endlessly respawning hordes, blocking you from ever really interacting with anything meaningfully and making the full gameplay loop gunning down swarm after swarm of generic monsters. You barely ever switch out your equipment because new gear (well, gear that isn't just an endless supply of useless rings) is hard to find and the bosses are never particularly complex or challenging. It's an experience that, when I played with my mate, served as a pretty simple backdrop to us catching up and hanging out. But when I left it, I very rarely even thought about it.

That being said though, If you're looking for a decent lil' co-op experience to sink 15 - 20 hours into, it's a fun time. The dialogue is also elite levels of cringe; so much so that you have to respect it. When you're ten minutes in and a character says "this situation's bad... bad with a side of broccoli" you're immediately like, damn, we're about to experience peak cheese.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
