Kind of comes across as Konami trying to recapture the success of PT but not truly understanding what made that game tick. It's clear the success of Kojima's take on the franchise is what's driving them, but the real issue is their modern interpretation of the series just doesn't feel haunted enough. What made PT so great is that it was this completely random piece of software that seemingly just appeared out of the blue; like a cursed tape you weren't supposed to watch. It was so atmospheric and unsettling, and by the time anything actually happens, it so effectively immersed you into this feeling that you're seeing something you're not supposed to that the scare hits 90 times harder.

By comparison, this is just leading you through a much less interesting version of that concept where the atmosphere is never allowed to build and you're never given the chance to unravel what's going on because the main character is just constantly telling you what to think, what the message is and why you should feel a certain way about it. I have no issue with Silent Hill using its concept to tackle modern issues, and on the surface, mental health and social media aren't a bad fit for Silent Hill. I'm sure if the team had some less cliche ways of presenting that and tweaked the atmosphere and tension so it was more like Silent Hill 2, it could cook.

But this needed to drop me in the situation, take the stablisers off and let pure dread do the talking. There are tons of other issues, including the forced chase segments, the weird text chains that slow everything down and the fact that the story is dealing with very heavy, sensitive subject matter like a jackhammer hammering a nail. But the main thing is it's so heavy-handed and filled with so much dialogue that you can never just immerse yourself into the horror, and by extension, it's not scary.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
